Before they left to go back home, we all went to Fatz. This was Trace's first restaurant outing and he was AWESOME! He fell asleep once we got in there and then of course once our food came he started to get a little fussy. Bobby took the initiative to take him to the restroom to see if he needed a diaper change. After about 5 minutes (seemed like 30) Bobby and happy Trace came back to the table. "That was an adventure" says Bobby. I was like oh goodness, what happened? Bobby said "Well, I took off his dirty diaper and went to put on the new one and I couldn't find it. I looked down and saw it floating in the toilet." :) But he proceeded to tell us that the inside part of the diaper was facing up and it didn't get wet and the outside part of the diaper is "just like Rain-X-it drips right off." haha So Trace came back to the table with a diaper Bobby had just pulled out of the toilet. Whatever works!
On Thanksgiving we went to Bobby's house in North Augusta and Trace got to see his Nana and Papa White, Aunt Megan, Uncle Michael and great grammy and pop pop Flake. He also got to meet all of his Great Aunts and Uncles and cousins that he had never before. It was a lot of fun. Other than being really sleepy and a little tummy ache, Trace was great. We had a great time and look forward to seeing the family again at Christmas.

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