WOW!! Okay, so I know I am two weeks late, but things have been pretty crazy around the White House and of course-leave it to me-but I forgot my password to get on here and update the blog and just remembered it today! So here we are again back in action!!
On September 29th, 2008 at 8:16 pm Robert Laurence White, III (Trace) decided it was time to greet the world. My doctor admitted me to the hospital that morning around 9:00 am. My blood pressure had been high the last 3 weeks of my pregnancy and so she decided to go ahead and induce me to make sure it didn't get any worse. Trace was 1 week and 2 days early. Everyone (iucluding myself) knew I was going to give birth to a 10 lb. baby after looking at me and knowing the size of his daddy. As Trace was arriving the doctor said "Oh he is a tiny little thing." I was thinking there is no way you are talking about MY baby being small. She said oh yeah he is probably just over 5 pounds. WHAT?? 5 POUNDS?? Are you kidding me? She was right. Trace weighed 5 lbs 10.1 oz. and was 18 in. long. God has blessed us with the most amazing miracle of all.
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