I called my friend Erin, who has 2 children of her own, for a little support before I made the trip. She explained to me how to put the carseat on the buggy. I had planned on carrying the diaper bag because I have been using it as my purse as well. She said I probably didn't need to take the it since I was going straight there and coming right back home. Don't ask me why but I carry my license in a little license holder and not in my wallet. So all I needed was my license, debit card, blanket for Trace, grocery list, pen and of course-Trace.
I put Trace in his carseat and we headed on. Trace was a champ! He was asleep at first and then once we were in the store he woke up but was sooo good. I took my time as I was trying to take it all in. I forgot what the grocery store looked like and was kind of overwhelmed with all the options. I wanted to buy EVERYTHING!! Of course I had a list, but got waaayyy to much.
So it came time to check-out and I get in line and the gentleman clerk was commenting on how cute Trace was and I was telling him that is was our first "outing" since his birth. He congratulated me and then was telling me about his grandchildren. The people at Publix are too kind. He and another clerk put all of my groceries on the belt. I guess I looked helpless...haha! The clerk started to scan my items and I went to get my debit card and what did I not pack??? MY DEBIT CARD!! I blurted out "OH NO!!" He said how can I help you ma'am? I was so embarrassed and told him I did not have my debit card. Usually I would have my purse which has my checkbook in it. But no, I didn't bring my purse. The only thing I had was my license. He was soo nice and told me that it would be ok and if it didn't happen this time then it was sure to happen eventually with a newborn. He said he would go ahead and ring up my groceries and put them in the cooler in the back and I could just bring my debit card back and pay for the groceries at the customer service counter. Are you serious? I can not believe I have done this. So off Trace and I went back to house groceryless to get my debit card. When I returned to pay for my groceries, I repeatedly told the clerk at the customer service desk how embarrassed I was and they were just so reasurring to tell me that this happens much more often than I think. Do you think they were just telling me that? Well, it did make me feel better. The manager then took my groceries to my car and loaded them. I was so impressed by Publix and their employees and I appreciate their hospitality in not making me feel like a complete idiot. So I give LOUD props to Publix!! They are my favorite! :)