Since the last post (almost 5 months ago!!), we have trick-or-treated, been on a hay ride and gone to a petting zoo, Bobby and I both had birthdays (turned 28), took a horse and buggy at Saluda Shoals to look at Christmas lights, celebrated Jesus' birthday, Bobby and I went to Birminghma, AL to watch the Gamecocks play in the Bowl, welcomed 2010, my sweet grandfather passed away (who I miss terribly), played in 5" of snow, all have been sick (some still are) and so here we are today.
You don't really want to hear about what me and Bobby are doing, do you? You really want to hear about Trace and what he has been up to. So, let me tell you, he is into EVERYTHING! He is AMAZING! I can't tell you how much we are enjoying this age and stage of life. He is becoming such a little man and I love it!
He is still a little runt and not even registering on the weight chart but climbing the height chart a little bit. haha Hopefully, he will be a good baseball player or golfer! Football doesn't look likes it's in his future unless he wants to be the kicker. (But really-who knows?)
Some of the things he is doing and some of the things he enjoys:
-playing with "WeWe" (Willie, our cat)
-calling out for "Bice" (Brice, our dog)
-running around the house
-flushing the toilet
-burping (when we ask him to..haha..I know we probably shouldn't teach him that..but it's fun)
-showing us his teeth
-waving at EVERYONE and saying "hi" or "hey"
-blowing kisses
-pointing out body parts (head, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, "peepee", feet, knees)
-counting (well really he can't count yet but likes it when I do and tries to move his fingers in counting motion)
-"sing" he loves Old McDonald, Jesus Loves Me, ABC's
-"books"-he loves reading and will now bring us books to read-he likes the books with the tabs that have pictures hidden in them
-"eat"-he loves to eat (goldfish, bananas ("ba" or "nana"), green beans ("bains"-so country)
-says potty as "pa-e" and knows where it is and what it means
-loves helping "hup" with everything
-loves his "mama" and "dada"
-now sometimes will say "bobby" when he sees Daddy or when I address Bobby as "Bobby'
-loves to say"ba-be" when he sees a baby
-loves "trucks" and points them out all the time riding down the road...actually anything with wheels is considered a "truck"
-loves schoolbuses "bu"
-has learned to say "peas" when he needs something from one of us
-says "up" when he wants up or down and will only say "down" when we prompt him to say it
-can tell you what a cat, duck, dog, elephant, cow and monkey say
-knows what a "bike" is and tell us when he sees one
-is doing very well at feeding himself with a fork and spoon
Here are some pictures from the last 5 months.
Happy Halloween, 2009! Bowl (the coldest I have ever been in my life!)
Happy Halloween, 2009! Bowl (the coldest I have ever been in my life!)
Christmas 2009
Snow 2010 (sorry excuse for a snowman!..ha)
"Show me your teeth"
Eating spaghetti with his spoon and fork